Royal Doulton Bunnykins has been in continuous production since 1934. The range includes tableware, nursery ware, teapots, moneyboxes and figures. Following the war, production did not restart until Royal Doulton purchased the Beswick factory in 1969. After this, Bunnykins were numbered with the prefix DB and are still produced to this day.

Royal Doulton Bunnykins – Dashing Through the Snow DB422
The following table gives the price/value information for the Royal Doulton Bunnykins.
Royal Doulton Bunnykins Price/Value Chart
Name | Serial | Year | Size (inch) | Price |
Bunnykins,Arabian Nights,Box | DB 315 | 62 | ||
Bunnykins,Bath Night | DB 241 | 2001 | 62 | |
Bunnykins,Betsy Ross | DB 313 | 2004 | 50 | |
Bunnykins,Boy Skater | DB 187 | 1998 | 4 1/4 | 38 |
Bunnykins,Cavalier | DB 179 | 1998 | 4 1/2 | 63 |
Bunnykins,Clarinet,Box | DB 184 | 1999 | 5 | 62 |
Bunnykins,Cowboy,Box | DB 201 | 4 1/2 | 62 | |
Bunnykins,Daisie Spring Time | DB 7 | 1972-83 | 3 1/2 | 87 |
Bunnykins,Day Trip,Box | DB 260 | 3 1/2 | 62 | |
Bunnykins,Digger | DB 248 | 2001 | 5 1/2 | 112 |
Bunnykins,Drummer,Box | DB 250 | 2002 | 62 | |
Bunnykins,England Athlete | DB 216 | 2000 | 5 1/2 | 63 |
Bunnykins Guardsman | DB 127 | 1992 | 4 1/2 | 237 |
Bunnykins,Ice Cream | DB 82 | 1990-93 | 4 1/2 | 49 |
Bunnykins,Ice Hockey | DB 282 | 2003 | 4 3/4 | 62 |
Bunnykins,Joker,Box | DB 171 | 1997 | 5 | 74 |
Bunnykins,Juggler | DB 164 | 1996 | 4 1/2 | 100 |
Bunnykins,Little Bo-Peep | DB 220 | 2003 | 4 1/2 | 38 |
Bunnykins,Master Potter | DB 131 | 1992-93 | 3 3/4 | 137 |
Bunnykins,Merry Christmas Tableau | DB 194 | 1999 | 5 1/2 x 7 1/4 | 207 |
Bunnykins,Mexican,Box | DB 316 | 2004 | 4 1/2 | 62 |
Bunnykins,Milkman | DB 125 | 1992 | 4 1/2 | 285 |
Bunnykins,Minstrel | DB 211 | 2000 | 4 1/2 | 50 |
Bunnykins,Mr. Bunnybeat Strumming | DB 16 | 1982-88 | 4 1/2 | 68 |
Bunnykins,Mr. Bunnykins,Autumn Days | DB 5 | 1972-82 | 4 | 75 |
Bunnykins,Old Balloon Seller,Box | DB 217 | 2000 | 4 | 162 |
Bunnykins,Parisian,Box | DB 317 | 4 1/2 | 62 | |
Bunnykins,Ringmaster,Box | DB 165 | 128 | ||
Bunnykins,Rise & Shine | DB 11 | 1973-88 | 3 3/4 | 63 |
Bunnykins,Saxophone,Box | DB 186 | 1999 | 5 | 62 |
Bunnykins,Scotsman | DB 180 | 1998 | 5 | 68 |
Bunnykins,Susan As Queen of the May | DB 83 | 1990-91 | 4 | 74 |
Bunnykins,Sydney | DB 195 | 1999 | 5 | 86 |
Bunnykins,Town Crier,Box | DB 259 | 2002 | 4 1/2 | 74 |
Bunnykins,Umpire,Box | DB 360 | 1997 | 5 | 187 |
Bunnykins,Welsh Lady,Box | DB 172 | 1997 | 5 | 74 |
Bunnykins,Wicket Keeper | DB 150 | 1995 | 3 1/2 | 107 |
Bunnykins,Wizard | DB 168 | 1997 | 5 | 147 |
Royal Doulton Bunnykins Backstamp

Royal Doulton Bunnykins Backstamps
If you need any help or if you have any questions please post it in the comment area below.
Hi, What is the price of Royal Doulton Bunnykins – Dashing Through the Snow DB422?
Hi Jamie, The retail price of “Royal Doulton Bunnykins – Dashing Through the Snow DB422” is about $65.00(USD). Auction price would be about $25(USD).
Do the above backstamps refer only to bunnykins figurines please. Many thanks.
Hi Irene,
The above backstamps do refer only to the Royal Doulton Bunnykins figurines.
Thanks for your reply. Now can you advise me why two bunnykins bowls I have – one has 1954 to 1958 in the back stamp while another with the same scene does not please. Grateful thanks, Irene
Does the other bowl have a stamp at all? The bowls could have been made at different time periods. Many manufactures would make the same pattern over many years or reintroduce at a later time. The bowl can be a genuine bunnykins bowl without having the stamp. A Bunnykins specialist would have to view the item to tell its authenticity.
Korin, thanks for your reply. Both plate and dish have the rabbit trio trademark but on the plate it is encircled with the dates 1954 to 1958 – the dish does not have this additional information. I am thinking that maybe the dish is an early manufacture (say 1954) because Royal Doulton may not have known then that the dish was going to be available from 1954 to 1958. Can you qualify my deduction? Regards, Irene
Hi Irene,
Many times a pattern or design would span many years or even the life time of a company. The pattern or design would typically not change but the backstamp would as the company changed the design of the stamp. Many companies would change their back stamp to help cut down on reproduction and to help date items. In some cases special trademark stamps would be created. This was usually done to mark a special occasion, event or company accomplishment. I would say that your pieces where made at different dates. As for the dates I would need to see the trademark stamp to determine the correct period of time they were produced.
hi I’ve got a bunnykins bowl and cup dated back 2 1934 both have bunnykins stamp on,both have royal doulton stamp on but with a letter A next 2 the crown, could you please advise. thank you.
ok I just bought a piece of bunnykins today at a yardsale. Stupid me took as a Beatrice Potter piece lol. Anyway the trade mark on the back has a copyright date of 1954 and the picture inside the porridge bowl is of the bunnykins getting their picture taken I noticed that other bunnykin peices have titles, could you let me know what the name of this one is and what i might get for it at auction. ty
I have a bunnykins porridge/oatmeal bowl. Its the heavy bowl with straight sides. It is “conducting the orchestra” and in lower right hand corner is signed BARBARA with a V midway below the barbara name. Its like the signature was cut off to get the picture to fit in bottom of bowl. Is this an original? Anyone know? It has the 1937-53 (from above) stamp on back and is in really good condition
What is the value of the Sheriff of Nottingham 265?
any idea of the price for a pre 1953 water heated plate with one stopper picture rabbits picking apples from tree Many Thanks
I have the 3 piece boxed set of Bunnykins 25th anniversary set in box never been used, box has a tear on it can anyone tell me what it worth?
Like Polly i have a 1954 heated bowl wjth “the artist” on it with one cork stopper. anyone know the value?
I have a buunykins mug with two backstamps. one royal doulton backstamp from 1937 and bunnykins lion colored brown from 1937-1952. signed and also has a number 10 in gold next to the bunnykins stamp.
Would this be from 1937 and are they rare?
What would be the value of a Bunnykins cup and plate featuring the 1934-37 Royal Doulton Logo + the 1937-53 Lion Coloured brown logo both on them with what apears to be a brush painted #20 in black on the bottom. Artist is Barbara Vernon, bowl is quite squat with a thick rim with painted bunnies on it and main picture in the bowl is a female rabbit in a green dress with white muffler on her hands standing and a male rabbit kneeling in front of her in a red/burgendy jacket and a bunny laying in grass wearing a blue jacket peering at them. The cup features an adult rabit in blue dress with red umberella pushing a green pram and acompanied by a little girl rabbit in white and blue polka dot dress holding a red umberella with the same male rabbit from the plate on the opposite side. The cup also has the same bunny motif around the rim as the plate does?
I have got a royal doulton bunnykins nursery set containing a baby plate and spoon, it is dated 1936 and with the royal doulton stamp and still in it’s original box.Could you please tell me how much roughly this would be worth?
Could you tell me how much my 3 pieces of items are.All in very good condition.
Mother Bunnykins DB 199
Will Scarlett Bunnykins DB 264
Eskimo Bunnykins DB 275 Bunnykins of the year
Thank you
Please can you give me a price for bunnykins db71 Polly bunnykins thank you
I have a Bunnykins cream bowl which is heavy with curved sides. Pic of bunnies kite flying, mummy with blue and white spotted dress. Mug with bunnies playing cowboy and indians, mummy tied to pole and egg cup with bunny reading a book on one side and holding a green hat and coat on the other side of eggcup.
I have a 1937-53 Barbara Vernon signed plate. Two circa 1959 earthenware one looks like a Mexican or cowboy theme. One is double handled with ice cream truck what are they worth to sell. Ta
I have a Bunny kins
‘Happy birthday ‘plate and one handled mug
The plate has a poem on the back and the mug has ‘ happy Birthday from Bunnykins I’m not sure of the year or value
Please could you advise me
I also have the box
Many many thanks
Bunnykins plate, cup, large cereal dish – early 1960’s
I have a large collection of Bunnykins, some are limited addition. They are UK made. Would like to sell them all. Can you help me .
Can’t find info on a warming dish with stopper. It has a women bunny with balloons selling apples that say super sweet ? A mouse with the times paper. A rabbit walking away with a balloon. A rabbit reaching into his pocket.
Can anyone help?
I have the Bunnykins Juggler bowl. I was told its rare? Anyone know the value? I believe its 1979.
Hi I have had a collection of Bunnykins mugs plates and bowls for the past 32 years
I was giving them as gifts for my christening .
They haven’t ever been used and are in immaculate condition .
I just wasn’t sure how i went about getting them appraised
I have a Bunnykins 1936 bowl with a picture of a bunny family of four tent camping. Could you help me out with what the price should be?
I have a dinner bell from the original Cutty Sark, any idea what that might be worth?
I have a little mug with Bunny town to the station on one side and a little train/caboose on the other . Little bunnies along the top has a date stamp similar to the one marked 1937. Coloured lion on top with one bunny on the back of another and one pushing it up.
Any information would be appreciated. Thank you
Is there any way to download the price/value guide?
I have a Charles noke Bunnykins teapot, are they rare? I can’t find a value on it anywhere.
Looking for the name/item number of this plate. No identifiable numbers. Sailing on a raft. Rabbits around the rim.
I have a bunnykins porridge bowl with a scene in the bowl of what looks like a white dog/rabbit pulling two wooden carts with what I am assuming dad, driving, mum and 7 little rabbits. It is signed by Barbara Vernon. It has the stamp on the back from 1937-1953 and the number 17 (in red). If anybody could give me the name of the scene I’d be grateful.
Thanks in advance
I have these bunnykins and I’d like to find their value in order to sell them.
Lollipopman 1987, DB65, signed by Lindsey Wade in 1990. Has a number marking 78?
School boy, 1987, DB66, has a number marking. 25?
Magician, 1992, DB126, number marking 9.
Ballerina, 1997, DB176, number marking 44.
Carol Singer, 1986, DB104, USA Edition, marking 57.
Dr Bunnykins, 1998, DB181, marking 44, inspected by Jayne Auslin??
Angel Bunnykins, 1999, marking 85 with top hat, inspected by W. Wallace.
Mr Bunnybeat Strumming, DB16, Marking 81?
3 have original boxes.
looking online to price my Set of Bunnykins Childrens tableware set
want to price it
where can you find out price worth
Its the Dressup collection
Backstamp R
There are several ways to determine the value of your Bunnykins Children’s Tableware Set:
Check online auction sites such as eBay to see if similar sets are being sold and for how much.
Look for online dealers or collectors who specialize in Bunnykins and contact them for an appraisal or price estimate.
Consult pricing guides such as the “Collector’s Guide to Royal Doulton Bunnykins” by Louise Irvine, which provides current values for various Bunnykins pieces.
Visit antique shops or flea markets to see if similar sets are being sold and for what price.
It’s important to note that the value of a Bunnykins set can vary based on factors such as age, condition, rarity, and popularity of the particular design or collection.
can anyone help to price my set