This is a continuation of the Antique Toy Price Guide [A-B] chart. A toy is any object that can be used for play. Toys are usually associated with children and pets. Playing with toys is training the young for their social role.

Antique Aeroplane Toy
Antique Toy Price Chart [B-L]
Name | Description | Size | Price |
Bus | Oh Boy, Kiddie Metal Toys, 1926, | 19 | 995 |
Bus | Pressed Metal, White Cab, Blue Body, 1941, | 350 | |
Bus | Routemaster, 289, Red, Dinky | 70 | |
Bus | San Francisco, Nickel Plated Radiator, Steelcraft,1941, | 21 | 1725 |
Bus | School, Tin, Battery Operted, Japan,1950s, | 6.5 | 110 |
Bus | School, Tin, Japan,1950s, | 10 | 110 |
Bus | Tin, Battery Operted, France, 1950s, | 11.25 | 295 |
Bus | Tin, Driver, Windup, Germany, Nifty | 201 | |
Bus | Tin, Painted, Clockwork ,Green, Minic, Box | 775 | |
Bus | Twin Coach , Cast Iron, Kenton, | 8.5 | 275 |
Bus | Upton Shore Line Cannon Ball Express, Yellow, Red, Black, | 9.5 | 295 |
Bus | Yellow Coach, Green, Gold Trim, Arcade, | 14 | 3250 |
Busy Lizzie | Woman Sweeping, Dress, Windup, Tin Lithograph, Germany, | 7 | 717 |
Buttercup & Spareribs | Animated, Platform, Pull Toy, Nifty Co., 1920s | 750 to 850 | |
Caboose | Railroad, Pressed Steel, Buddy L, c.1928, | 19 | 690 |
Cage | Parrots, Celluloid, Windup, Bells Revolving Balls, Box,1930s | 195 | |
Calliope | 4 Horses, Royal Circus, Blue, Gold, Cast Iron, Hubbey, | 24…illus | 1725 |
Calypso Joe | Walker, Eyes Light-Up, Plays Drum, Battery Operated, Tin, Cloth, Linenmar, | 11 | 144 |
Camel | Bactrian, Jointed, Wood, Rope Tail, Glass Eyes, Schoenhut, | 7…illus | 680 |
Camel | Dromedary, Wood, Jointed, Painted Eyes, Rope Tail, Leather Ears, | 8.5 | 201 |
Canary Cage | Canary Pecks Forward, Red, Blue, Yellow, Lever, Meier, Germany, | 3.5 | 173 |
Candy Cart | Monkey Pedals, Cart Advances, Bell Rings, Ohta, Tin, | 5.5 | 186 |
Cannon | Big Bang, Carbide, 105 mm,Box, 1950s, | 17 | 95 |
Cannon | Wood, | 15 | 165 |
Cup Gun | Bulldog, Cast Iron, Pat 1923, | 6 | 11 |
Cup Gun | Monkey With Coconut, | 4*4 | 230 |
Cup Gun | Spy, Cast Iron, Nickel Plate, Kilgore, 1936, | 2*4.5*.75 | 40 |
Captain Hook | Raises Gun In Air & Fires, Smokes, Battery Operated, Marusan, Box, | 9 | 581 |
Car | 2 Door, Tin ,Windup, Germany, 1920s, | 6 | 695 |
Car | Airflow, Coupe, Iron, Nickel, Rubber & Wood Tires, Dent, | 6 | 1800 |
Car | Andy Gump, Crank, License Plates, Figure, | 7.5 | 840 |
Car | Andy Gump, Red, Green, Iron, Arcade, | 7 | 4313 |
Car | Armored, Back Door Key, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1958, | 8.5 | 145 |
Car | Armored, Die Cast, Tootsietoy, | 77 | |
Car | Army , Gun, Metal ,Windup, Tippco, Germany, 1937, | 7,5..2 Piece | 495 |
Car | Atom, Driver, Dark Helmeted, Open Wheel, Chrome Trim, Rubber Tire Skins, | 16 | 4012 |
Car | Austin Hearley, Driver Windshield, Yellow, No.103,1957, | 3.5 | 55 |
Car | Beverley Hillbillies, 5 Figures, Accessories, Plastic, Windup, Ideal, Box, 1963, | 22 | 437 |
Car | Boat, Gun , Hillclimber, Wheels, Dark, Light Green, Schiebel, 1920s, | 10.5 | 140 |
Car | Buick, 1927 Model, Sedan, Driver, Cast Iron, Arcade, | 8.25 | 3450 |
Car | Buick, Cast Iron, Blue, Black, Rubber Tires, Arcade,c.1930 | 8.75 | 1552 |
Car | Buick, LeSabre, Concept, Light Green, Tin, Yonezawa, 1950s, | 8 | 578 |
Car | Buick, Riviera, 2 Door, Hardtop, Removable Roof, Doors Open, Operable Windows, | 11 | 315 |
Car | Buick, Tin, Friction, Japan,c.1950, | 12 | 375 |
Car | Bumper, Clown, Windup, Pressed Steel, | 11.25*9 | 385 |
Car | Bumper, Pop-Up Clown, Tin, Friction, Box, | 7 | 110 |
Car | Cabrio Super, Driver, Lever, Tin, Kellerman, Germany, Box, | 9 | 425 |
Car | Cadillac, Coupe, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1950s, | 8 | 95 |
Car | Cadillac, Red, White, Japan,c.1961, | 12 | 285 |
Car | Cadillac Coupe, Die Cast, Red & Tan, Tootsietoy | 88 | |
Car | Cadillac Coupe, 1929 Model, Driver, Windup, Marx, | 12 | 475 |
Car | Chevrolet , 1932 Model, Roadster, Metal, Hubley,1950s, | 50 | |
Car | Chevrolet , 1954 Model, Hood Ornament,Friction, Linemar, | 11 | 725 |
Car | Cheverlet, Camaro, Advances, Bump & Go, Light Blinks, Engine Noise, 1960s, | 13 | 181 |
Car | Cheverlet, Corvair, 1959 Model, Telephone Truck, Japan, | 8 | 175 |
Car | Cheverlet, Fire Chief, Battery Operated, Light, Japan,1963, | 14 | 145 |
Car | Cheverlet, Impala, 1963 Model, News, CBS, Tin, Friction, Japan,Ichiko, | 8 | 120 |
Car | Cheverlet, Station Wagon, 4 Door, Tin, Lithograph,1958, | 8.25 | 86 |
Car | Cheverlet, Station Wagon, Tin, Friction, Japan,1957, | 9.5 | 175 |
Car | Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Flip-Out Wings, Metal, Plastic, Corgi Toys, Box, 1967, | 5.5….illus | 316 |
Car | Chrysler, 2 Door, Hardtop, 2-Tone, Irco, Tin, 1955, | 8.5 | 277 |
Car | Chrysler, Airflow Sedan, Green, Hubley, | 6.5 | 425 |
Car | Chrysler,Tin, Friction, Japan, 1950s, | 8.5 | 195 |
Car | Chrysler,V8 Blue, yonezawa,c.1953, | 9 | 225 |
Car | Circus, Clown,Tin, Friction, Pop-Up Clown, Cragstan Star, | 6.75 | 99 |
Car | Circus, Elephant,Tin, Friction, Cragstan Japan, | 7.5*7 | 330 |
Car | Circus, Merry Ball Blower,Tin, Windup, Box, | 5 | 55 |
Car | Citroen,Tin, Friction, Daya, Japan,1950s, | 8.5 | 195 |
Car | Convertible, Woman Driver, Windup, Occupied Japan, | 4.75 | 145 |
Car | Convertible, Yellow, Windup, U. S.Zone, Germany,c.1948, | 187 | |
Car | Coo Coo , Tin, Windup ,Marx, | 8 | 403 |
Car | Cougar, Tin, Battery Operated, Asakusa, Japan, | 15 | 345 |
Car | Coupe, Electric, Battery Operated, Motor, Pressed Steel, Marx, 1930s , | 15.25 | 715 |
Car | Coupe, Fire Chief, Siren, Metal, Rubber Tires, Metal, | 14 | 56 |
Car | Coupe, Metal, Cream , Windup, Arnold, Occupied Germany, | 10 | 196 |
Car | Coupe, Red, White, Rubber Tires, Hubley, 1930s, | 4.5 | 110 |
Car | Coupe,Rumble Seat, Red, A. C. Williams, | 5 | 250 |
Car | Coupe, Tin, Windup ,Marx, USA, 1920s | 9 | 295 |
Car | Coupe, Tin Lithograph, Windup ,Marx, | 8 | 425 |
Car | DeSoto, Airflow, Coupe, Rose, Hubley, | 4.5 | 500 |
Car | Dodgem, Peter Pan Series, Tin, Windup, England, Box, | 4.37.5*3 | 303 |
Car | Donkey, Driver, Metal, Windup, Marx, | 10 | 195 |
Car | Doodle Bug, Blue, Tootsietoy, | 4 | 135 |
Car | Edsel Station Wagon, Cream, Lavender, Tin, Friction, Japan, | 10 | 575 |
Car | Ferrari, Metal, Battery Operated, Moves Up, Shakes, Japan, | 11 | 475 |
Car | Ferrari, Super America, Friction, Bandai, Japan,1960s | 11.5…illus | 445 |
Car | Fire Chief, Battery Operated,1950s, | 10 | 295 |
Car | Fire Chief, Bell, Tin, Pull Toy, 1940s | 8 | 185 |
Car | Fire Chief, Bell, Tin, Red, Pull Toy, T. Chon, | 9 | 250 |
Car | Fire Chief, Big Lupor Tin, Friction, USA, 1950, | 10.5 | 145 |
Car | Fire Chief, Windup, Marx USA, 1950s, | 8 | 120 |
Car | Flivver Coupe, Buddy L, No.210-B,c. 1924, | 11 | 2500 |
Car | Ford, 1936 Model, Cast Iron, A. C. Williams, | 9 | 1000 |
Car | Ford, 1957 Model, Tin, Friction, Japan, | 12 | 375 |
Car | Ford,Brinco, Fire Chife, Red, Pressed Steel, Ny-Lint, | 11 | 235 |
Car | Ford, Cast Iron, A.C. Williams, 1936, | 4 | 1000 |
Car | Ford, Falcon, Station Wagon, Woodgrain Trim, Opening Rear Door & Window, 1962, | 9 | 158 |
Car | Ford,Flower Delivery Wagon , Tailgate Opens, Rear Window, Wheel Covers, 1956, | 12 | 277 |
Car | Ford, Forward, Reverse, Battery Operated, Japan, | 7.5 | 95 |
Car | Ford, Model A, Sedan, 4 Door, Red, A.C. Williams, | 4.5 | 325 to 375 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Sedan, Black, Red, Lever Action , Side Lamps, | 6.5 | 55 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Roadster, Phaeton, Blue, Beige, Friction, Folding Windshield, | 9.5 | 75 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Tin, Japan, | 7*3*4 | 125 |
Car | Ford, Model T, 4 Door, Black, Gold Stripe, | 5 | 450 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Touring , Black, Arcade, | 6.5 | 450 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Sedan, 4Door, Black Gold Stripe, Arcade, | 5 | 475 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Sedan, Center Door, Black , | 6.5 | 575 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Sedan, Driver Center Door, Black, | 6.5 | 575 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Sedan, Center Door, Black Gold Stripe, Arcade, | 6.5 | 650 |
Car | Ford, Model T, Torning , Black , Arcade, | 6.5 | 650 |
Car | Ford, Mustang , Mach I, Battery Operated, White, Tavio, | 10.5 | 110 |
Car | Ford, Phaeton, Torning, Issemayer, Chauffeur , Passenger, Germany,c.1912, | 5558 | |
Car | Ford, Model T, Torning , Black , Arcade, | 6.5 | 575 |
Car | Garage Car, Metal, 2 Doors Open, Germany, 1920s, | 6.5 | 695 |
Car | Gerard Coupe, Windup, Electric Headlights, Pressed Steel, | 15 | 325 |
Car | Hand, Tom & Dick, Japan, 1950s, | 5 | 75 |
Car | Happy Clown, Battery Operated, | 6.5*6 | 77 |
Car | Hot Rod, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1950s, | 8 | 155 |
Car | Isetta, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1950s, | 7 | 255 |
Car | Jaguar, Coupe, Blue, Red, Japan, | 7.5 | 115 |
Car | Jaguar, Die Cast, K. K. Sakura, Japan, | 5 | 48 |
Car | Jaguar, Friction, Waving Driver, Tin Lithograph, Late 1950s, | 7.25 | 115 |
Car | Jaguar, Hubley, Box, | 7.5 | 75 |
Car | Jaguar, Plastic, Remote Control, Bandai, | 12 | 125 |
Car | Jaguar, Plastic, Windup, Minic, | 5.75 | 65 |
Car | Jaguar, Push Toy, Steering, Plastic Empire, | 9 | 50 |
Car | Jaguar, Saloon, Plastic Empire, | 9 | 65 |
Car | Jaguar, Stunt, Battery Operated, TM, Japan, 1960s, | 9.5 | 120 |
Car | Jaguar,Tin, Friction, Driver, Japan, 1950s, | 7.5 | 195 |
Car | Jaguar,Tin, Friction, Hubcaps, Japan, 1950, | 9.5 | 225 |
Car | Jaguar,Tin, Friction, Japan, | 8 | 145 |
Car | Jaguar, XK 150 Convertible, Lithographed Interior, Wheel Covers, Tin Bendai, | 10 | 224 |
Car | Jalopy, Friction, Driver, Linemar,c.1950, | 5 | 115 |
Car | Jalopy, Limping Lizzie, Driver, Windup, Marx, Box, 1930s, | 7 | 495 |
Car | Jalopy, Rollover, Windup, 2 Riders, Tin Lithograph, Marx, | 4.5*5.5 | 120 |
Car | Jet Race T14, Open Wheel Racer, Advances, Siren, Tin, Nomura, | 12 | 424 |
Car | Jet Race Y53r, Advances, Siren, Spark, Tin, Yonezawa, | 12 | 356 |
Car | Karl Bub Saloon, Black, Brown, Gold Pinstripe,c.1910, | 12.5 | 2595 |
Car | Krazy, Clown, Tin Lithograph Windup, Strauss, | 7 | 440 |
Car | LaSalle, Land Cruiser, Wyandotte, 1936-39, | 15 | 495 |
Car | Limousine, Drak Red Paint, Flywheel Drive, Republic, 1932, | 12 | 225 |
Car | Lincoln Cintinental III, 2 Door, Hardtop, Tin Lithograph, 1959, | 11 | 443 |
Car | Lincoln Slush, Coupe, Tan, | 4.5 | 75 |
Car | Lincoln XL-500 Sundeck, Convertible, Concept, Red, Plastic Dome, Tin,1950s, | 7 | 514 |
Car | Mercedes-Benz, Racer, Tin , Painted, Clockwork, Marklin, | 10.75 | 550 |
Car | Mercedes-Benz 220, Convertible, Plastic Hood Ornament, Rin,1960, | 8 | 294 |
Car | MGA, 1600 MKII Rally, Right Hand Drive, Tin, Bandai , 1960s, | 8 | 181 |
Car | MGA, Convertible, 2 Door, Lithograph Interior, Wheel Covers, Tin, Terai, | 9.5 | 153 |
Car | Milton Berle, Red Hat, Tin Lithograph, Windup, Marx, Box, | 5.5 | 260 |
Car | Milton Berle, Yellow Hat, Tin Lithograph, Windup, Marx, Box, | 5.5 | 374 |
Car | Moxie, Pull Toy, Blue, Die Cast, Tootsietoy, | 8.75 | 4675 |
Car | Moxiemobile, Tin Lithograph, c.1917, | 8.5*6.5 | 2500 |
Car | Mystery Police, Buick, Advances, Roof Light, Siren, Tin, Komoda, | 8 | 113 |
Car | Nash Metropolitan, Blue, Die Cast, Tootsiety, | 2.5 | 175 |
Car | OHO, Driver, Tin Lithograph, Clockwork, Lehmann, Germany, | 4..illus | 175 |
Car | Old Jalopy, Marx, 1930s, | 7 | 455 |
Car | Old Jalopy, Tin, Driver, Friction, 1950s, | 5 | 125 |
Car | Oldsmobile, 1956 Model, Tin , Battery, Japan, | 7 | 110 |
Car | Oldsmobile, Battery Operated, Japan,1960s, | 15.5 | 175 |
Car | Oldsmobile, Super 88, Tin Bumpers, Tin Lithograph Trim, Nakamura, | 7 | 295 |
Car | Packard, Convertible, Die Cast,Tin Lithograph, White Wood Wheels Hubley, c.1940, | 5.5 | 165 |
Car | Peter Rabbit, Eccentric, Built-In Key, Plastic, Tin Lithograph Front, 1950s, | 6*8 | 589 |
Car | Photographer, Man Turns Steering Wheel, Woman Turns Camera, Battery, | 13 | 195 |
Car | Pierce-Arrow, Sedan, 1935, | 7 | 980 |
Car | Plymouth, Coupe, Red, Pink, Japan, 1958, | 7 | 165 |
Car | Plymouth, Station Wagon, RaI TV, Box, | 12.25 | 1430 |
Car | Police, Chevrolet, Tin, Battery Operated, Japan, c.1962, | 14 | 295 |
Car | Police, Dark Blue, Friction, U. S. Zone, Germany, Arnold, 1940s, | 10 | 175 |
Car | Police, Mercury, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1958, | 11.5 | 475 |
Car | Pontiac, Blue, Tin, Friction, Ichiko Japan, c.1958, | 14 | 295 |
Car | Pontiac, Driver, Cream, Blue, Japan, 1950s, | 14 | 275 |
Car | Pontiac, Red, Tin, Friction, Ichiko Japan, c.1950, | 14 | 375 |
Car | Pontiac, Safari, Blue, Off-White, Working Tailgate, Tootsietoy,Die Cast, 1956, | 7 | 265 |
Car | Pontiac, Sedan, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1960s, | 8.25 | 145 |
Car | Pontiac, Trans Am, Black, Kitt, Knight Rider, Lights , Action, Battery Operated, Box, | 17 | 125 |
Car | Porsche 356, Plastic, Green, Interior, Motor, Rear Opens,c. 1955, | 8 | 265 |
Car | Pressed Steel, U.S.A., c.1930s, | 8.5 | 145 |
Car | Racing, Aluminum, Windup, U.S.A.,c.1930, | 9 | 95 |
Car | Racing, Buffalo Silver Bullet, Tin, Driver, | 26 | 403 |
Car | Racing, Captain Campbell’s Bluebird, England, Box, | 11 | 4400 |
Car | Racing, Gas Engine, Thimble Drome, Cox, | 8.5 | 675 |
Car | Racing , Golden Arrow, Clockwork, Kingsbury, | 19.75 | 175 to 935 |
Car | Racing ,Green, Cast Iron, Champion, | 9 | 425 |
Car | Racing , Green , Die Cast, Hubley, | 7 | 48 |
Car | Racing , Hard Plastic, Metal, Friction, Sanders, U.S.A., | 7.25 | 75 |
Car | Racing, Hot Rod, Driver, Hard Plastic, Aurorail,U.S.A., 1950s, | 8.5 | 55 |
Car | Racing, Hot Rod, Flashlight, Driver, Tin, Friction, Battery Operated, Japan, 1950s, | 7.5 | 195 |
Car | Racing, Hot Rod, Tin, Battery Operated, Japan, TN ,1950s, | 7 | 145 |
Car | Racing , Mercedes, Tin, Friction, 1950s, | 10 | 275 |
Car | Racing , Mercedes, Tin, Friction, Noise, Linemar, Japan, 1950s, | 9 | 225 |
Car | Racing , MG , White, Doepke, 1955 | 15.5 | 295 |
Car | Racing, Midget, Tin, Windup, Marx, U.S.A., c.1950, | 7 | 875 |
Car | Racing, Miller Indy 500, White Tires, Red Hubs, Lincoln, | 4 | 150 |
Car | Racing, No. 5, Midget, Yellow & Black, Marx, | 5 | 175 |
Car | Racing, No. 7, Plastic, Windup, Marx, U.S.A., 1950s | 6.5 | 110 |
Car | Racing, No. 8, Plastic, Windup, Driver, Blue, Yellow, Red, Nosco, | 9.5 | 175 |
Car | Racing, No. 52, Tin,Windup, Wood Wheels, 1950s | 110 | |
Car | Racing, Plastic, Tin, Rubber Powered, Box, | 4.5 | 38 |
Car | Racing, Plastic, Yellow, Red, Pagco, | 11 | 165 |
Car | Racing, Pressed Steel, Windup, Driver, G.I.J., France, | 15 | 715 |
Car | Racing, Rally Monte Carlo, Tin, Windup, Germany, | 8.5*8.87.5 | 220 |
Car | Racing, Red, Cast Aluminum, Gas Powered, Ohlson & Rice, | 10 | 875 |
Car | Racing, Red, Sliver, Auburn, Rubber, 1940s, | 10.5 | 95 |
Car | Racing, Roadster, Rumble Seat , Driver Blue, Kilgore, | 6.25 | 400 |
Car | Racing, Sliver Bullet, Tin, Windup, RSA Spain, | 10.85.5 | 375 |
Car | Racing, Speed, Bluebird, Die Cast, 1935 Western Models, No, 542, Box, | 7.85.5 | 88 |
Car | Racing, Speed, Craig Breedlove’s Spirit Of America Land, Windup, Parachute, Decals, | 20 | 523 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Battery Operated, Lights TN, Japan, | 11 | 295 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Friction, Champion, Japan, ATC, 1950s | 8.5 | 175 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, Argentina, 1950s, | 8 | 145 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, England, 1930s, | 12.5 | 475 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, England, 1940s, | 8.5 | 145 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, Marx U.S.A., c.1948, | 12 | 145 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, Marx U.S.A., 1950s, | 5 | 110 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, No.3 ,Lupor, U.S.A., 1950s, | 12 | 145 |
Car | Racing, Tin, Windup, No.27 ,Marx, U.S.A., 1950s, | 12 | 145 |
Car | Racing,White, Blue,Coaster, Cast Aluminum, Thimble Drome,c. 1950, | 10 | 295 |
Car | Racing, Yellow, ACL Plastic, White Driver, Black Wheels, | 4 | 20 |
Car | Railway Express, Battery Operated, Ride’em, Cor-Cor, | 24*9.5 | 150 |
Car | Rambler,Station Wagon, Die Cast, Tootsietoy, | 242 | |
Car | Rambler,Tin, Friction, Japan, c. 1960, | 8.25 | 110 |
Car | Roadster, Cast Aluminum, Chrome Like Finish, Faith Mfg. Co.,1930s, | 11 | 500 |
Car | Roadster, Cast Iron, A. C. Williams, c. 1932, | 3.62.5 | 145 |
Car | Roadster, Cast Iron, Nickel Trim, Thomas Kilgore, | 10.5 | 220 |
Car | Roadster, Model MG , British Racing Green, Doepke, Mid 20th Century, | 15 | 420 |
Car | Roadster, No. 370, Yellow, Black, Sidemount Spares, Hubley, | 5 | 375 |
Car | Roadster, Red Cream, Cast Iron, Kilgore, | 4 | 165 |
Car | Roadster, Sport, Driver, Rumble Seat, Blue, Kilgore, | 6.25 | 350 |
Car | Rolls-Royce, Tin, Hood Ornament, Spring Bumpers, Breaks, Headlamps, Driver, | 20 | 3600 |
Car | Sedan, Driver, Bing, Germany,c. 1925, | 8 | 1872 |
Car | Sedan, Graham, 6 Wheels, Tootsietoy | 65 | |
Car | Sedan, Vindex, Forest Green, Cast Iron Spoked Nickel Plated Wheels, | 5.5 | 1093 |
Car | Shanghi Isetta, Brown, Cream, Chinese, 1960s, | 8 | 185 |
Car | Space Car, SP-1, Robot Head, Sparks, Tin, Friction, Usagiya, | 6.5 | 316 |
Car | Sports Motor, Rubber Tire Skins, Open Wheel Racer, Tin,Yonezawa, | 11.5 | 736 |
Car | Station Wagon, Doors Open, Maroon, Tan, Wood, Buddy L, | 18.5 | 720 |
Car | Station Wagon, No. 234, Red, White, Fisher-Price, Box,c.1960, | 13 | 345 |
Car | Station Wagon, Pointiac, Blue, Yellow, Triumph, Box, 1946, | 7 | 150 |
Car | Studebaker, Roadster, Red, Hubley, | 7 | 575 |
Car | Stutz, Cast Iron, Kilgore, | 10.5 | 1150 |
Car | Subaru, 260, Tin, Friction, Bandai, Japan, Box, 1959, | 8…illus | 1400 |
Car | Tin, 2 Lights, Battery Operatad, Japan, 1950s | 10 | 275 |
Car | Tin, Battery Operatad, Japan, c. 1950, | 7 | 55 |
Car | Tin, Windup, Garage, Japan, 1950, | 5 | 145 |
Car | Tin, Windup, Marx, U.S.A., 1920, | 375 | |
Car | Toyota 2000, GT, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1960s, | 14 | 275 |
Car | Traffic, Indian, Orange, Hubley ,c. 1931, | 4.75 | 375 |
Car | UHU, Driver, Tin, Windup, Lehmann, 1907, | 2350 | |
Car | Valiant, Tin, Friction, Japan, 1960s, | 9.25 | 245 |
Car | Vollkswagen, Black, Orange, Tin, Battery Operatad, Taiyo, | 9.5 | 135 |
Car | Wagon, Light Blue, Pressed Steel, Wood Wheels, Deco Style, Wyandotte,c.1940, | 4 | 125 |
Car | Whoopy Cowboy, Characters On Wheels, Marx,c.1932, | 8 | 650 |
Car | Yellow Cab, No.2, Arcade, | 8 | 1200 |
Car Set | Bus, Track, Windup, Tippco, U.S. Zone, Germany, Box | ….illus | 518 |
Carnival Round-A-Bout | Passengers In Seat, Suspended By Wires, Circular Motion,1900s, | 14 | 675 |
Carousel | 2 Swans, Canopied Carousel, Spins, Crank, Tin Lithograph, Germany, | 2.75 | 490 |
Carousel | 4 Horses, Flag, Gunthermann, | 6.75 | 875 |
Carousel | Cardboard Horses & Riders, Hand Crank, Lamps, Tin,Germany, c.1910, | 17 | 690 |
Carousel | Figures, Children, Tin, Windup, Chein, | 9.75…illus | 260 |
Carousel | Horse, Mahogany, Carved, Painted, Left Leg Raised, Glass Eyes, C.1890, | 16*16*5 | 7200 |
Carousel | Music Box, Riders, Mattel, Box, | 9*9.5 | 121 |
Carousel | Swans, Airplanes, Windup, Wyandotte,c.1930 | 325 | |
Carousel | Wood, Painted, Windup, Cutout Riders, Cloth Umbrella Top, | 15*19.5 | 230 |
Carriage | Baby, Charlotte Doll, Metal, Painted, Rock & Graner, Germany, | 3.5 | 546 |
Carriage | Horse, Metal, Black, Gold Stenciling, Double Facing Seats, Floding Shades, | 39 | 10640 |
Carriage | Horses, Wood, Leather Covered , upholstered Seat, Floor, Spoke Wheels, | 27 | 2352 |
Carriage | Round, Bentwood Frame, Casters, Suspended Saddle Seat, Rarly 1900s, | 18*27 | 23 |
Carriage | Tin, Spoke Wheels, Curved Handles, Wood Handgrip, Sunshade, Stenciled, | 8 | 2128 |
Carriage | Wicker, Metal Wheels, Undercarriage, Turned Wood Handle, | 29*32*13.5 | 33 |
Carriage | Wood Frame, Painted, Canvas Lift Top, Seat, Spoke Wheels, Child’s, 1880 | 303 | |
Cart | Hores Drawn, Baltimore Dray, Painted, Tin , Wheel Under Dray, 2 Wheels, Label, | 23 | 881 |
Cart | Hores Drawn, Driver, Cast Iron, Carpenter, | 10 | 115 |
Cart | Hores Drawn, Passenger, Red, Figures, Cast Iron, Carpenter, | 14 | 1380 |
Cart | Ice Cream, Vendor Riding, Tin, Celliloid, Windup, Occupied Japan, | 10 | 110 |
Cart | Maple, Bent Bamboo, Rickshaw Style, 2 Seats, Handle Bars, Spoke Wheels, | 14 | 336 |
Cart | Mule Drawn, Coal, Dent, | 13.5 | 695 |
Cart | Red, White, Cast Iron, | 9.5 | 29 |
Cart | Wood, Black Paint, Metal Bands, Pull, | 23*62*22 | 220 |
Casey The Cop | Tin, Windup, | 9 | 978 |
Cash Register | Pressed Steel, Buddy L, Yellow, Red, | 11*9 | 29 |
Cat | Circus, Wood, Jointed, Glass Eyes, Leather Tail, Schoenhut, | 9 | 1265 |
Cat | Felix, Irish Mail, Squeak, Steiff, | 9.5 | 10350 |
Cat | Felix, Jointed Wood Body, Rubber Head, K. E.S. Co., | 9 | 425 |
Cat | Felix, On Scooter, Yellow, Green Wheels, Tin Lirhograph, Windup, Nifty, | 7.5 | 747 |
Cat | Felix, Pull Toy, Tin, Felix Goes Up & Down, Pull Toy, Pat Sullivan, Nifty, | 8 | 1610 |
Cat | Mouth Open, Stuffed, Fur, Wheels In Paws,c.1889, | 10*17 | 100 |
Cat | Watching Bird In Cage, Folk Art, Animated, Hand Crank, Painted, | 10*12 | 690 |
Chariot | Hores Drawn, Fallows, 1880s, | 7.5 | 475 |
Charleston Trio | Windup, Tin Lithograph, Marx, 1921, | 9 | 495 |
Charm | Dwarf, Celluloid, | 0.75 | 22 |
Charm | Hula Girl, Silver, Movable Hips & Legs, | 0.75 | 25 |
Charm | Keewie, White, Celluloid, | 0.75 | 22 |
Charm | Kewpie, Red, Celluloid, | .87.5 | 21 |
Charm | Monkey, Celluloid, Brown, | 1.25 | 21 |
Chest | Blanket, Molded Lid, Doverailed, Turned Feet, Tan, Brown Highlights, | 9*18*8 | 1650 |
Chest | Blanket, Molded Lid, Porcelain Escutcheon, Turned Feet, Putty Designs, | 16*23*13 | 4675 |
Chest | Doll’s, Burled Walnut, Ball Feet, 5 Drawers, Bone Drawer Pulls, 1940, | 10 | 728 |
Chest | Doll’s, Federal, 2 Over 3 Drawers, Split Columns, Lancaster Co., Pa., | 12*9.5*6 | 550 |
Chicken | Composition, Squeak, | 4.5…illus | 143 |
Chicken | Lays Colored Eggs When Pressed, Yellow, Plastic, | 3.75*3.75 | 20 |
Chicken Eater | Wood, Paper, Mechanical, c.1890 | 1035 | |
Child | In Stroller, Tin Lithograph, Penny, Distler, Germany, | 3.5….illus | 325 |
Chinese Boy | Rolly, Poly, Papier-Mache, | 4 | 95 |
Chompy The Beetle | Advances, Chewing Action, Sound, Marx,Tin, | 5.5 | 258 |
Circus | Wagon, Fisher-Price, No.156 ,c.1942, | 12 | 403 |
Circus | Wagon, J. B. Thomas Combined Shows, Red, Yellow Letters, Singed,J.W. Taggert, | 12*17*7 | 1995 |
Circus | Wagon, Overland, Caged Bear, Cast Iron, Driver, Rear Rider,c. 1900, | 14*6*4 | 138 |
Circus | Wagon, Overland, Horses, 9 Figures, Kenton, 1940s, | 15 | 1050 |
Circus Cage Wagon | Blue, Gold, Horses, Elephants In Cage, Hubley, Cast Iron, | 16 | 920 |
Circus Parade | Wagon, Wood, Paper, 9 Animals, Fisher-Price, 1932, | 15 | 66 |
Circus Set | Barnum & Bailey, Wagon, Animals, Elephant, Tin, Windup, Linstrom, | 18.5 | 1155 |
Circus Set | Beton Circus, Animals, Wild West Figures, Box, Early 1950s, | 159 | |
Circus Set | Humpty Dumpty, Side Show Panels, Schoenhut, | 28*42….illus | 13000 |
Circus Trailer, | Cab Pulls Trailer, Gate Opens, Animals Slide Out By Turning, Crank, Tin, | 11 | 192 |
Clicker | Circus Elephant, Plays The Cymbal, Moves His Head & Tail, Tin, | 2.5 | 141 |
Clicker | Clown Playing Banjo, Eyes Move, Body Moves, Tin, | 5 | 141 |
Clicker | PEZ, Girl Hands PEZ To Child, Tin,c.1955, | 3.5 | 700 |
Clicker | Stork, Tips Hat, Opens Beak Revealing Baby, Tin, | 2.75 | 226 |
Clock | Red Roses, Blue Ground, Pendulum, Tin Lithograph, Meier, Germany, | 6.75 | 230 |
Clown | Teddy Bear, Beating Drum, Wood Face, Haed Moves, 1920s-30s | 285 | |
Clown | 2-Part Head, Jointed, Wood, Body, Schoenhut, | 8.25…..illus | 72 |
Clown | 3 Musicians On Bench, Windup, Pink-Pink Mechanism, Gunthermann, | 9.5 | 4675 |
Clown | Acrobat, Motorcycle, Tin, Windup, | 6.37.5 | 468 |
Clown | Acrobat, Motorcycle, Tin, Windup, England, | 5.37.5 | 358 |
Clown | Acrobat, Tin, Cloth, Windup, Crosses Hand Over Hand, Germany, | 8.5 | 1430 |
Clown | Advances With Pedaling Motion, Arms Go Back & Forth, Tin, | 5.5 | 678 |
Clown | Ball Blowing, Waves Arms, Ball Floats, Battery Operated, Nomura, Box, | 10.5 | 184 |
Clown | Banjo Player, Mechanical, Tin, Germany, | 5.75 | 33 |
Clown | Car, Unique Artie, Crazy, Jumps, Tin, Windup, Unique Art, Box, | 10 | 425 |
Clown | Celluloid Head, Cloth, Gund, 1940s, | 19 | 65 |
Clown | Circus, Roller Skating, Tin, Battery Operated, Remote Control, T.P.S., Box, | 6 | 805 |
Clown | Circus, Walking, Tin, Cloth, Box, | 10.5 | 220 |
Clown | Cirkom Cyclist, Windup, Marx, Box, | 9*9.5 | 3950 |
Clown | Clownie, PVC Head, Glass Eyes, Mohair Wig, Jointed Felt Body, Tag, Steiff, | 17….illus | 120 |
Clown | Dozo, Sweeping, Battery Operated, Nomura, Box, | 14 | 275 |
Clown | Handstand On Barrel, Tin Plate, Windup, | 8.25 | 523 |
Clown | Happy, Upper Body & Head Move As He Opens & Close Eyes, Tin, | 6 | 113 |
Clown | Happy Fiddler, Battery Operted, Cragstan, Box, | 10.25 | 248 |
Clown | Happy Fiddler,Plays Violin, Moves Back & Forth, Battery Operted, Alps, Box, | 10 | 193 |
Clown | Happy ‘N Sad,Plays Accordion, Battery Operted Remote Control, Yonezawa, Box, | 10 | 115 |
Clown | Holding Suitcase, Tin, Windup, Schuco, | 4.5…illus | 397 |
Clown | In Barrel, Chein, | 7.5 | 440 |
Clown | In Hoop, Windup, Gunthermann, | 4.75 | 1320 |
Clown | Juggling, Tin, Windup, Box, | 8.5 | 605 |
Clown | Magic Man, Puff Smoke, Tin, Fabric, Battery Operated Remote, Marusan, Box, | 12 | 395 |
Clown | Mechanical, Roller Skates, Japan, | 5.5 | 120 |
Clown | Motorcycle, Sidecar, Tin, Windup, | 3.37.5 | 358 |
Clown | Moves Up & Down, Japan, 1950s, | 7 | 275 |
Clown | Musical, Battery Operated, Nomura, | 9.5 | 121 |
Clown | On Donkey, Tin Plate, Windup, | 8.5 | 880 |
Clown | On Horse, Bounces Up & Down, Wheels, Germany,1900, | 8 | 475 |
Clown | On Motorcycle, England, | 7.5 | 523 |
Clown | On Pig, Riding Backward, Wheels, Tin , Gustav Fischer, | 3.25 | 1955 |
Clown | On Pig, Tin Lithograph, Penny, Gustav ,Fischer, Germany, | 3.25….illus | 1900 |
Clown | On Tricycle, Tin, Windup, Swirl Wheel, Technofix, U.S. Zone, Germany, | 5*5.5 | 1045 |
Clown | Pinky, Juggling, Tin, Cloth, Battery Operated, Alps, Box, | 10 | 281 |
Clown | Playing Guitar,Tin Lithograph, Windup, Distler, Germany, | 8.25 | 747 |
Clown | Playing Saxophone, Tin Lithograph, Windup, Distler, Germany, | 8 | 836 |
Clown | Riding Circus Horse, Celluloid, Metal, Windup, Japan, Box, | 7*7 | 221 |
Clown | Riding On Clown, Tin, Windup, Germany, | 6*5.5 | 1870 |
Clown | Riding Unicycle, Around Big Top, Painted, Tin, Cardboard, Metal, Windup, | 5*9 | 520 |
Clown | Roly Poly, Composition, Schoenhut, 1920s, | 5.5 | 150 |
Clown | Roly Poly, On Ball, Papier-Mache, Pressed Carboard, | 9.5 | 248 |
Clown | Roly Poly, On Ball, Tin,Germany, | 7.75 | 605 |
Clown | Seesaw, Propeller, Tin, Windup, England, Stoddard Acorn Toy Co., | 7.75*10 | 468 |
Clown | Skating, Schuco, Germany, | 8.25 | 358 |
Clown | Spinning Star Wheel, Gunthermann, | 9.12.5 | 1870 |
Clown | Tin, Plate, Celluoid, Windup, | 6 | 148 |
Clown | Tricycling, Box, | 12 | 248 |
Clown | Tumbling Tim, Push Stick, Fisher-Price, No.166,1939, | 27.75 | 385 |
Clown | Violinist, Dancing Dog, Tin, Windup, Sound, Painted, Gunthermann, | 9 | 3575 |
Clown | Wood, Jointed, Painted Features, 2-Part Head, Original Costume, Schoenhut, | 9 | 173 |
Clown & Lion, | Battery Operated, | 8.75*5.75*13 | 385 |
Clown Acrobat | Revolves, Green Base, Tin, Plastic, Windup, Nomura, Box, | 3.5 | 633 |
Clowns | Walking, Gyroscope Operated, Tin Plate, | 8.25*5 | 468 |
Chach | Coronation, Horses, Queen Elizabeth, Box,c.1953, | 5 | 50 |
Combat Soldier | Turns, Fires Rifle, Tin, Plastic, Windup , Nomura, Box, | 6 | 201 |
Comical Clara | Wiggles, Eyes Pop, Polka Dot Dress, Tin, Windup, T.P.S, Japan, Box, | 5 | 173 to 425 |
Construction Set | Tin, Painted, Booklet, Bilt-E-Z, c.1924, | 10*7*1.5 | 147 |
Cow | 4 Wheels, Mooing Mechanism, Pull Toy, Steiff, Mid 20th Century | 590 | |
Cow | Brown, White, Wood, Jointed, Painted Eyes, Leather Ears, Horns, Bell, Rope Tail, Schoenhut, | 9 | 259 |
Cowboy | Gallop, In Cart, Pulled By Zebra, Windup, Lehmann, 1954 | 350 | |
Cradle | Doll’s, Pine, Scalloped Edeg, Red & Green, Flowers, | 5*8.75*5.5 | 275 |
Cradle | Doll’s, Rocking, Walnut, Roundels, Spool Turnings & Finials, | 21*30 | 1331 |
Crane | Crank Operates Bucket, Chein, | 9 | 295 |
Crane | Magnetic, Lever-Operated Crane With Magnet, Bandai, Box, | 16 | 170 |
Crying Baby & Dog | Celluloid , Windup, | 6 | 167 |
Cupboard | Step Back, 2 Doors, Serpentine Bottom, Bracket Feet, Paint, | 28*16*11 | 1650 |
Curiscope | Optical Illusion, 3 Discs,c.1895 | ….illus | 1231 |
Cyclist | Kiddy, Windup, Tin Lithograph, Unique Art Mfg., | 8.62.5 | 110 |
Dagwood Aeroplane | Tin Lithograph, Windup, Marx, | 11. Wingspan | 1553 |
Dagwood The Driver | Windup, Tin Lithograph, Marx, Box, | 6*8 | 2695 |
Dan Dare | Pilot Of The Future, Crescent Toys, Box, | 7 piece set | 3055 |
Dancing Mouse | Celluloid, Windup, Occupied Japan, | 4.5 | 125 |
Diorama | Baby Mouse, Mother Dances & Lifts Baby Up & Down, | 4.25 | 119 |
Diorama | Doll Hospital, Interior Setting, Pine Box, Gilt Style Decals, Front Glass, | 27*18 | 2588 |
Dog | General Store, Country Store Items, Bisque Head Doll, | 4.5., 31*10.5 | 173 |
Dog | Bulldog, Brown, Painted Features, Collar, Leather Ears, Tail, Wood, Schoenhut, | 6 | 1035 |
Dog | Bulldog, Jointed, White & Black, Leather Ears, Tail, Collar, Wood, Schoenhut, | 6 | 920 |
Dog | Bulldog, Movable Head, Studded Collar, Papier-Mache, | 19 | 1392 |
Dog | Bulldog, Papier-Mache, Glass Eyes, Head Moves, Barks, Wheels, Pull Toy, | 13.5*26 | 919 |
Dog | Bulldog, Papier-Mache, Bristle Collar, Articulated Jaw, Castors, Chain, France,c.1900, | 14 | 2390 |
Dog | Dalmation, Leather Collar, Button In Ear, Steiff, | 13……illus | 920 |
Dog | Flippo, Tin, Windup, Linemar , Japan, 1950s, | 4 | 95 |
Dog | French Bulldog, Bully, Mohair Bag, Plush, Horsehair Neck, Stieff, 1930s, | 4*10*12 | 5462 |
Dog | Gaylord, Barks, Walks, Plastic, Battery Operated, Box, Ideal, | 25 | 86 |
Dog | In Dog House, Moves In & Cut, Crank, | 2.62.5 | 747 |
Dog | Poodle, White, Wood, Jointed, Fur, Glass Eyes, Rope Tail, Schoenhut, | 8 | 144 to 173 |
Dog | Rollover, Gunthermann, Germany, 1920-25 | ….illus | 234 |
Dog | Scottie, Black, Red, Marx, Box | 13 | 395 |
Dollhouse | 2 Story, Paper On Wood, Front Porch, Bay Windows, | 23*21.25 | 705 |
Dollhouse | 2 Story, Paper On Wood, Glass, Furniture, 2 Figures, | 19*12*8…illus | 1200 |
Dollhouse | 3 Story, Clapboard Siding, Glass Windows, Furniture, 1900, | 27*42*16…illus | 1000 |
Dollhouse | 4 Rooms, Furniture, Composition Board & Wood, Schoenhut, | 24*24.5..illus | 450 |
Dollhouse | 4 Rooms ,Mustard Paint, Olive Trim, 2 Chimneys, Glass Windows, | 41*23 | 288 |
Dollhouse | 6 Rooms , Frence Villa, Doorbell, Mansard Roof, Christian Hacker, | 28*30 | 3105 |
Dollhouse | 6 Rooms, Front Opens, Closet, Wallpaper, Porches, Gottschalk, | 31*37 | 8050 |
Dollhouse | Horse Stable, Hayloft, Shed , Wood, Accessories, Gottschalk,c.1910, | 26*10 | 585 |
Dollhouse | Lithograph On Wood, Glassine Windows, Lace Curtains, Dormer, Bliss, | 15 | 610 |
Dollhouse | Log Cabin, Wood, 1940-65, | 27*21*19 | 295 |
Dollhouse | Queen Anne Cottage, Red Roof, Porch, Balcony, Bliss, 1911, | 24*18*12 | 2115 |
Dollhouse | Seaside Cottage, Paper Lithograph, 6 Columns, 3 Rooms, Bliss, | 23*18 | 2070 |
Dollhouse Furniture | Armoire, Dresser, Mirror, Secretary, Chest, Fire Screen, Germany, 1885 | 7616 | |
Dollhouse Furniture | Bedroom, Bathroom, Cast Iron , Kilgore, 1930s, | 7 piece | 118 |
Dollhouse Furniture | Mirror Set, Overmantel, Chippendale, 2 Convex, c.1920, | 4 piece | 2875 |
Dollhouse Furniture | Radio, Gramophone, Metal, Wood Stand, Crank Wind, Tin | 106 | |
Dollhouse Furniture | Rocker, Baby Bed, High Chair, Stroller, Cradle, Carrage, Metal, | 6 piece | 224 |
Dolls are listed in their own category, | |||
Dolly Seamstress | Head Turns, Material Moves, Tin, Vinyl, Battery Operated, Nomura, Box, | 8 | 356 |
Donkey | Mechanical, Papier-Mache, Bisque Man, 3 Wheels, Tin Base, Vichy,c.18756, | 16*14 | 5264 |
Donkey | Wood, Papier-Mache , Hide Cover, Horsehair, Wicker Seat, Pull Toy, 1885, | 22*22 | 2352 |
Donkey & Cart | Driver, Cast Iron, Dent, 1906, | 13.5 | 695 |
Dray | Driver, Horse, Pratt & Letchworth, | 12 | 550 |
Dresser | Circus, Tin, Cloth, Chein, | 29 | 1456 |
Drummer Boy | Walks, Beats Drum, Tin, Windup,Marx, 1938, | 11 | 55 |
Drummer Boy | Windup, Tin Lithograph, Louis Marx, | 9 | 405 |
Drunkard | Painted, Burlap, Champagne Bottle, Cup, Windup, Mechanical, c.1900, | 8….illus | 426 |
Dry Sink | Door, Drawer, Cutout Bracket Feet, Grain Paint, | 7.75 | 4125 |
Duck | Daisy, Jolly Drumming, Cragstan Melody Band, Battery Operated, Alps, Box, | 16*21*10 | 130 |
Duck | Mallard, Tin Lithograph, Flywheel On 3 Wheels , Pull Toy, | 10 | 116 |
Duck | Mallard, On Wheels, Velvet Head, Felt Body, Tin Wheels , Squeal, Steiff,c.1920, | 7.5 | 118 |
Duck | Quack Quack, Mama Duck Pulling Cart, 3 Babies, Windup, Tin Litho, Lehmann, | 10 | 385 |
Dump Car | Bonnet, Leaver-Operated Bed, Tin, Mitsuhashi, | 2.75*7 | 153 |
Dutch Oven | Griswold, No.O, 568, No Trivet | 8.75 | 800 |
Electromobile G-Men Car | Hood-Mounted , Machine Gun, Roof Light, Headlights, | 8.25 | 316 |
Electromobile Taxi | Green & Yellow, Runs Forward & Reverse, HeadLights, Tin, | 8.25 | 305 |
Electromobile Taxi | Tan & Red, Runs Forward & Reverse, HeadLights, Tin, | 8.25 | 362 |
Elephant | Circus, Windup, Tin Lithograph, U. S. Zone, Germany,1950s, | 9 | 275 |
Elephant | Circus,Wood, Jointed, Glass Eyes, Woman Blanket, Headdress,Schoenhut, | 10.5 | 748 |
Elephant | Gray, Jointed,Wood, Glass Eyes, Leather Tuske, Ears, Headdress , Schoenhut, | 9.75 | 115 |
Elephant | Gray, Jointed,Wood, Glass Eyes, Leather Ears, Headdress , Schoenhut, | 8 | 546 |
Elephant | Jointed Wood Body, Glass Eyes, Leather Ears0, Schoenhut, | 10.5..illus | 725 |
Elephant | Jolly Daddy, Walks, Smokes Pipe, Battery Operated, Marusan, Box, | 9 | 156 |
Elephant | Jumbo, Bubble Blowing, Tin, Plush, Battery Operated, Yonezawa, Box, | 7.5*7.25 | 110 |
Elephant | Man Rider, Platfoem, Pull Toy, Hall & Staffird,c.1880, | 9 | 702 |
Elephant | Papier-Mache, Felt Cover, Painted, Squeak, Pull Toy, | 10.5*15 | 696 |
Elephant | Pulling Cart, Head Nods, Tin, Painted, Fischer, Germany, | 5 | 201 |
Elephant | Ride On, Iron Wheels, Button Eyes, Felt Tusks, Iron Frame, Steiff, | 22*19 | 575 |
Elephant & Zebra, | Seeasw, Rocks As Elephant & Zebra Play The Drum, Hishimo, Tin, | 7 | 622 |
Elsie’s Dairy Truck | Bottles, Mallets, Bells, Fisher-Price, 1948, | 10…..illus | 288 |
End Loader | Scoop,Wood Wheels, Cast Aluminum, Hubley, | 10.5 | 66 |
Erector Set | No.7.5, Truck, Box, | 21.5*8.25 | 248 |
Eric The Bat | Stuffed, Beige With Black Wings, Tag, Botton In Ear, Steiff, | 5.5 | 315 |
Felix The Cat | Ball Shaped Head, Segmented Arms & Legs, Wood, | 8 | 350 |
Felix The Cat | Wood, Jointed, Leather Ears, Schoenhut, Copyright 1922, | 8 | 382 |
Ferris Wheel | 6 Cars, Figures, Red, Iron, Mechanical, Hubley, | 17….illus | 2300 |
Ferris Wheel | Clockwork, Tin, Iron, Hubley, | 17 | 1320 |
Ferris Wheel | Tin, Windup, Musical, W. Germany,c.1955, | 9.75 | 164 |
Ferris Wheel | Tin Lithograph, Figure, Windup, Painted, Kellerman, | 17.75 | 459 |
Ferris Wheel | Tin Lithograph, Windup, 4 Cars, Chein, 1930s | 16.5 | 358 |
Ferris Wheel | Tin Lithograph, Windup, Built-In Key, 1930s, | 16 | 443 |
Ferris Wheel | Tin Lithograph, Windup, | 12.75 | 468 |
Fiddle | Box, Coffin Style Box, Black Paint, | 18.5*5.75 | 29 |
Field Hospital Tent | Doctor Treating Patients, White, Red, Tin Lithograph, Meier, Germany, | 4 | 345 |
Figure | Chris Colt, Movable Arms, 1961, | 7.37.5 | 153 |
Figure Set | McDonald’s McDonaldland, On Card,1976, | 7., 7 piece | 324 |
Fire House | Wood, Red Brick Sides, c. 1900, | 7.25*6.5*8 | 22 |
Fire Pumper | 2 Horses, Driver, Cast Iron,c.1900 | 11 | 90 |
Fire Pumper | 2 Horses, Driver, Cast Iron,c.1900 | 18.5 | 672 |
Fire Pumper | 3 Horses, Cast Iron,c.1900 | 18.5 | 112 |
Fire Pumper | 3 Horses, Driver, Cast Iron,c.1900 | 11.5 | 78 |
Fire Pumper | Automotive, Driver, Red, Gold, Cast Iron, | 8 | 345 |
Fire Pumper | Driver , Cast Iron, Red, Gold, Black Paint, 20th Century, | 8.25 | 188 |
Fire Pumper | Driver, Figures, Painted, Iron, Dent, | 10.5…..illus | 345 |
Fire Pumper | Driver, Rider, Cast Iron, Painted Green, Spoke Wheels, | 6.5*10.75*6.5 | 165 |
Fire Pumper | Driver, Tin, Wood, Windup, | 6.25*9.5 | 187 |
Fire Pumper | Horses, Driver, Cast Iron, c.1900, | 18 | 258 |
Fire Pumper | No. 5, Pressed Steel, Hose Reel, Hoses, Ladder, Red, Tonka, | 17 | 201 |
Fire Pumper | Red, Ahrens-Fox, Hubley, | 7.5 | 175 |
Fire Pumper | Red, Box, Hubley, | 7.5 | 225 |
Fire Pumper | Steam, Red, Silver, Nickel Grille, Drivers, Boiler, Hubley, | 8.5 | 375 |
Fire Pumper | Texaco , Buddy L, 1962, | 295 | |
Fire Pumper | Texaco Fire Chief, Painted Steel, Chrome Accessories, Trim, Box, Buddy L, | 24.5 | 146 |
Fire Pumper | Upright Engine, Iron, Brass, Burner, Red, Yellow Painted, 1885 | 12*17*6 | 2860 |
Fire Station | Red, Green, Embossed, Pressed Steel, KeyStone, | 8…..illus | 400 |
Fire Steamer | Horse Drawn, Wood, Black, Sliver, Side Hoses, Gauges, No,22, | 24 | 173 |
Fire Truck | Advances, Siren, Tin, Marx, | 14.5 | 124 |
Fire Truck | Aerial Ladder, Headlights, Steel Grill, Spoke Tires, Pull Along, Buddy L, | 29 | 1380 |
Fire Truck | Aerial Ladder, Pressed Steel, White Rubber Tires, Kingsbury, | 35 | 978 |
Fire Truck | Chemical Hose, 1914 Model T,c. 1977,Box, | 7.5 | 22 |
Fire Truck | Friction, Argentina, 1950s, | 12 | 275 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, 2 Riders, Steel, Cast Iron, | 19 | 348 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, 3 Firemen, Arcade,c.1934, Steel, | 16 | 950 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, Eagle, Side Shield, Cast Iron, Painted, | 33 | 928 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, Hubley, | 20 | 761 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, Pressed Steel, Red, Box,c.1952, | 33.5 | 585 |
Fire Truck | Hook & Ladder, Red, Painted, Steel, Open Cub, Rubber Tires, Kingsbury, | 34.5 | 823 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, Aerial, Hydraulic, Buddy L, | 39 | 3500 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, Diamond T, Nickel Grille, Ladders, Red, Hubley, | 6.5 | 250 |
Fire Truck | Ladder,Die Cast, Red, Yellow, Tootsiety, 1927, | 3.5 | 85 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, Driver, Dog, Sliver, Red, Hubley, | 5 | 350 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, Hose, Nozzle, Pressed Steel, Decals, Tonka, | 17 | 144 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, 3 Pressed Steel,Smith-Miller, Lights, Bumper, | 36 | 316 |
Fire Truck | Ladder, Pressed Steel, Decals, Tonka, | 32 | 201 |
Fire Truck | Ladder,Red, Sliver, Nickel Grille, Drivers, Ladders, Hubley, | 8.5 | 375 |
Fire Truck | Ladder,Tin Lithograph, 5 Embossed Firemen,c.1940, | 5.25 | 55 |
Fire Truck | Patrol, Driver, 5 Firemen, Hubley,c.1915, | 15 | 4680 |
Fire Truck | Patrol, Figures, Red, Kenton, | 7 | 375 |
Fire Truck | Pumper, Motorized, Cast Iron, | 6 | 45 |
Fire Truck | Pumper, Motorized, Driver,c.1910, | 6.5 | 45 |
Fire Truck | Red, Tin, Plastic Cab, Battery Operated, Ladders, Box, Yonezawa, | 12 | 150 |
Fire Truck | Sit On Ride, Pressed Steel, Wyandotte, | 30 | 58 |
Fire Truck | Wyandotte Fier Dept., Decals, Light, Red,c.1940, | 30 | 110 |
Fire Wagon | Hook & Ladder, 2 Horses, Cast Iron, Ladders, 2 Drivers,c. 1890, | 9*27*4 | 990 |
Fire Wagon | Hook & Ladder, 2 Horses, Gong Bell, 2 Firemen, Hubley, 1910, | 24 | 825 |
Fire Wagon | Hook & Ladder, Yellow,2 Horses, 2 Firemen, Phoenix, 188os | 26 | 1295 |
Fire Wagon | Hores, Driver, Fire Chief, Painted, Iron, Wilkins, | 16.75…illus | 3900 |
Fire Wagon | Hores Drawn, Driver, Cast Iron,c. 1910, | 12 | 784 |
Fire Wagon | Hores Drawn, Fire Chief, Wilkins, | 5*12 | 210 |
Fire Wagon | Hores Drawn,Tin, Steel, Blue, Bell, Yellow Iron Wheels, Wilkins, | 27 | 518 |
Fire Wagon | Ladder, 2 Wood Ladders, 2 Horses, 2 Firemen, Cast Iron, c. 1900, | 24 | 784 |
Fire Wagon | Ladder, 3 Horses, Cast Iron, c. 1900, | 17 | 56 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper, 3 Horses, Driver, Hubley, 1906, | 15 | 595 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper, Phoenix , 2 Articulated Horses, Driver, Ives, 1890 , | 19 | 1350 |
Fire Wagon | Hose Reel, Cast Iron, Horse,c. 1900, | 13.5 | 560 |
Fire Wagon | Hose Reel, Cast Iron, Horse, Driver,c. 1900, | 11.5 | 308 |
Fire Wagon | Hose Reel, Cast Iron, Horse, Driver,c. 1900, | 14.5 | 478 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper, Driver, 2 Horses Gallop, Bell Rings, Iron, Ten,Steel, Wood, | 17 | 685 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper, Horse Drawn, Iron, Painted , American Eagle, | 21 | 1044 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper,White Horse, Ringine Bell, Horses Gallop , Iron, Tin, Steel, Wood, | 17 | 750 |
Fire Wagon | Pumper,Yellow Gold, 3-Horse Team, Driver, Cast Iron, Wilkins, | 22 | 748 |
Fireman | Climbing, Yellow Ladder, Plastic, Tin Lithograph, Windup, Marx, Box, | 21 | 403 |
Flintstones | Dino-The-Dinosaur, Hops, Purple, Tin, Windup, Marx, | 3.5 | 260 |
Flintstones | Dino-The-Dinosaur, Open Mouth, Walks, Tin, Windup, Linemar, | 5.5 | 166 |
Flintstones | Dino-The-Dinosaur, Purple, Windup, Tin Lithograph, Linemar, Box, 1961, | 5 | 353 |
Flintstones | Hoppy Rubbles Family Pet, Tin, Windup, Marx, Box, | 4 | 259 |
Flip The Frog | Bisque, Japan, 1930s, | 5 | 259 |
Flying Horse Race | Tin Plate, Plunger Operated, | 6.75 | 195 |
Flying Saucer | Astronauts, Red, Tin, Battery, K.O., Japan, Box, | 7…iilus | 132 |
Folk Dancers | Male, Painted Tin Face, Female, Celluoid, Schuco, Germany, | 5 & 3.75 | 155 |
Folk Dancers | Man & Woman, Tin , Celluoid , Windup Schuco, Germany, | 5-in.Man, 3.75-in.Woman | 110 |
Ford | Hot Rod, Car, Racing, Flat Head Motor, 2 Caps, Japan, 1950, | 8 | 295 |
Fort Set | Trees, Bushes, Towers, Buildings, 10 Soldiers, Offcers, Flag Bearer, | 6*17.75*14 | 88 |
Fox The Magician | Rabbit Appears & Disappears, Mixed Material, Nomura, | 6.5 | 175 |
Fox The Magician | Windup, Tin , Fabric, Plush, Box, | 6.5 | 475 |
Freddie Fireplug | Wood, Take-A-Part, Red, White, Blue, Doepke, Box, 1957, | 6 | 150 |
Freight Station | Tin, Marx , 1950s, | 26 | 65 |
Funny Dancer | Pan Gee, Jointed Figure Dances, Tin, | 10 | 384 |
G.I.Joe | Bouncing Jeep, Tin Lithograph, Windup, Unique Art Mfg., | 6.5 | 115 |
Gabby Goose | Scarf, No. 120, Pull, Fisher-Price, c.1936, | 9 | 518 |
Games are listed in their own category. | |||
Garage | Cardboard, Box, Built-Rite,c.1936, | 7*7 | 75 |
Gas Pump | Crank, U.S.A., 1930s, | 9 | 275 |
Gas Pump | Red, Gold, Arcade, | 4.5 | 275 |
Gas Pump | Tin, Chein, USA, 1930s, | 9 | 375 |
Gas Station | Esso, Tin, Army Car, Japan, | 3 | 145 |
Gas Station Gasage | Tin Lithograph, Japan, Prewar, | 3.75 | 316 |
George Washington Bridge | Greyhound Bus, Tin Litho, Windup, Fritz Bueschel, N.J., | 25 | 748 |
Giraffe | Circus, Wood, Painted, Wire Metal Cage, Painted Gold, Schoenthut | 10.5 | 863 |
Giraffe | Lofty Lizzy, Fisher-Price, 1931, | 9 | 400 |
Giraffe | Painted, Wood, Rope Tail, Wire Cage, Schoenhut, | 10.5…illus | 850 |
Giraffe | Wood, Ball-Jointed, Crackle Black & Yellow Paint, Marked Oakland, 1950s, | 14 | 150 |
Girl | Skipping Rope, Die Cut, Paper, Mechanical, Penny Toy, | 4,37.5…..illus | 465 |
Girl & Chicken | Leans Forward, Lever , Tin Lithograph, Meier, Germany, Penny Toy, | 3.87.5 | 863 |
Gnomes Sawing Log | Tin Lithograph, Fischer, Germany, | 4.25 | 489 |
Goat | Hide Cover, Leather Ears, Pulls Cart,Papier-Mache, Metal, 2 Wheels, | 18 | 4256 |
Goat | On Platform, Gold Paint , Wheels, Germany, | 2.75 | 260 |
Go-Cart | Driver, Metal, Battery Operated, Japan,1950s, | 10 | 175 |
Godzilla | Tin, Windup, Linemar, | 8…illus | 155 |
Golfer | Man, Full Figure, Wood, Golf Club In Hand Ratchet, Long Handle, Schoenhut, | 27 | 230 |
Golfer | Woman, Full Figure, Wood, Golf Club In Hand Ratchet, Long Handle, Schoenhut, | 27 | 288 |
Good Time Charlie | Drinks, Smokes, Nods Head, Moves Foot, Battery Operated, Illfelder, Box, | 12.5 | 150 |
Goose | Nodder, Painted, Tin, Germany, | 4 | 144 |
Goose | Red Goos Shoes, Pecks, Bobs Up & Down, Windup, 1924, | 4*9 | 920 |
Grader | Adams, Yellow, Doepke, 1949, | 26 | 295 |
Grandpa’s New Car | Advances, Car Shankes, Moving Hat, Driver Jumps From Seat, Tin, | 5.75 | 175 |
Great Son Of Garloo | Walker, Plastic, Windup, Marx, Box, | 5.75 | 345 |
Grayhound Super Coach | Arcade, 1937, | 9 | 375 |
Grocery Store | Cast Iron, Blue Paint, Silver, Dayton, | 4.12.5 | 59 |
Grocery Store | Wood, Windows, Spice Drawers, Table, Stairs, Dog, France, | 24*13*12 | 4480 |
Gumby | Cowboy, Holding Gun, Rifle, Bends, Hong Kong, 1950-60, | 5 | 5 |
Gun | Sure-Shot Machine Gun, Sparks, Rat-Tat-Tat Sound, Tin, Crank, T. Cohn,Box, | 21 | 121 |
Gun | Tom Corbett’s Space Cadet Official Pistol, Tin Lightograph, Marx , Box, | 10 | 858 |
Handcar | Hoky Poky, Windup, Metal, U.S.A., c.1950, | 7 | 275 |
Handcar | Tin, Windup, Girard, U.S.A., c.1920, | 6 | 175…to..253 |
Hang Tag | Buddy L, c.1925, | 1.62.5*1.62.5 | 288 |
Hansom Cab | Lithograph, Painted, Tin, Windup, Pink, | 5.5 | 1100 |
Happy Hooligan | Walker, Tin, Windup, Chein, 1930s, | 6 | 525 |
Happy Hooligan Comic Strip Character | Lithographed Paper On Wood, Movable Arms, | 14 | 110 |
Happy Jack | Die Cut Figure, Black Minstrel, Crank, Moves Leg, Tin, | 6.25 | 396 |
Happy Joe | Peg Leg, Dances, Crank, Tin, | 3.62.5 | 546 |
Harold Lioyd | Happy Face To Sad Face When Bell Rings, Tin, Germany, | 6.25 | 311 |
Helicopter | Circus Clowns, Tin, Windup, Japan, 1950s, | 6 | 95 |
Helicopter | Metal , Bettery Operated, Japan, 1950s | 10 | 110 |
Hey-Hey Chicken Snatcher | Tin Lightograph, Windup, Marx , April 13, 1926, | 8 | 1016 |
Hippopitamus | Brown, Wood, Jointed, Tusks , Glass Eyes, Leather Ears, Schoenhut, | 9.5 | 115 |
Hippopitamus | Wood, Jointed, Brown, Glass Eyes, Leather Tail , Ears, Schoenhut, | 9.25 | 633 |
Hobbyhorse | Dappled Black & White, Glass Eyes, Saddle , Stirrups, Platform Base, | 28*35*14 | 130 |
Hobo | Accordion Player, Battery Operated, Box, | 10.5*11.25 | 330 |
Hobo | Tumbling, Einfalt, | 4.43.75 | 688 |
Hoky & Poky | Clown Hand Car, Wyandotte, | 6*5.5 | 330 |
Horse | Carved Muzzle, Hooves, Mohair, Pull Toy, 19th Century, | 23 | 413 |
Horse | Cloth Body, Tack Eyes, Horsehair Tail, Victorian, Wheels, Pull Toy, | 20*20 | 330 |
Horse | Dapple Painted, Wood, Leather Harness, Platform, Tin Wheels, c.1890, | 11*12*4.75 | 100 |
Horse | Hide, Glass Eyes, Horsehair Mane, Tail, Pull, 19th Century, | 13…..illus | 460 |
Horse | Jockey, Tin, Platform, Iron Wheels, Pull Toy, 2 Parts,c. 1870, | 8*12*3 | 1430 |
Horse | On Wheels, Brown Paint, Black Mane, Straw Tail, Leather Saddle, | 15 | 595 |
Horse | Painted, Leather Bridle, Real Hair Mane, Carved, Wood, Nova Scotia, | 9 | 683 |
Horse | Papier-Mache, Wood Legs, Base, Tin, Wheels, Horsehair Tail & Mane, Germany, | 8.75*7.5 | 110 |
Horse | Rocking, Carriage Cradle, | 28 | 248 |
Horse | Rocking, Original Paint, Crandall New York, 42-in. Rockers, c.1860, 23-in. Horse | 995 | |
Horse | Rocking Painted, Horsehair Mane, Tail, Saddle, 1850, | 27*46…illus | 1265 |
Horse | Rocking , Platform, Dappled, Leather & Corduroy Saddle, 1800, | 25*35 | 180 |
Horse | Rocking, White, Black Sponge, Wood, Red Base, Mane, Tail, | 29*37*13 | 385 |
Horse | Rocking, White, Gray Sponge, Wood, Metal Stirrups, Leather, Platform Base, | 42*51*17 | 385 |
Horse | Rocking, White Paint, Saddle, 19th Century, | 24*49 | 275 |
Horse | Rocking, Wood, Crackled White Paint, Gesso Ground, Hoesehair Tail, | 40*30.5 | 345 |
Horse | Rocking, Wood, Tack, Faux Leather, Felt Saddle, Braided Horsehair, Base, | 34*40 | 805 |
Horse & Carriage | Papier-Mache, 6 Dolls, Wood Legs, Painted Feathers, Germany, | 6 | 2576 |
Horse & Carriage | Passengers Looking Out Windows, Tin, Meier , Germany, | 4.5 | 373 |
Horse & Wagon | 2 Horses, Iron,Tin Canopy, Paper Lithograph, Kenton, | 8.5*20*4.75 | 2310 |
Horse & Wagon | Aerial, 2 Horses, Driver, Wilkins, | 44 | 6435 |
Horse & Wagon | Dapple Gray Hores, Hay, Meier, Germany, | 5.25 | 201 |
Horse & Wagon | Dapple Gray Hores, Yellow, Red Wheels, Tin, Fischer, Germany, | 4 | 104 |
Horse & Wagon | Driver, Iron, Green Painted, Sand & Graved, c.1920, | 15*3.5*5 | 114 |
Horse & Wagon | Driver, Tin, Painted, Georg Fischer, Germany, | 4.75 | 173 |
Horse & Wagon | Dump, Horses, Driver, Rubber Wheels, Cast Iron, | 13 | 350 |
Horse Race | Riding Motion, Bell Rings, Tin, Celluloid, Windup, Japan, Box, | 7 | 150 |
Horse Team | Platform Base, Iron Wheels, Hide Cover, Glass Eyes, Horsehair Mane, Pull Toy, | 13 | 460 |
Hot Air Balloon | Jupiter, Figure, Tin Lithograph, Lehmann, Germany, Box, | 5…illus | 2300 |
Humphrey Mobile | Outhouse, Driver, Tin Lithograph, Wyandotte, | 8.25*7.25 | |
Ice Box | Oak, Knickerbocker, | 37*23*15 | 413 |
Ice Cream Vendor | Good Flavor, Tin, Celluloid, Windup, Japan, Box, | 4 | 195 |
Ice Cream Vendor On Scooter | Courtland, Mechanical, Tin, | 6*3.5*4.25 | 155 |
Indian Baby | Roly Poly, Papier-Mache, | 4 | 95 |
Jackie The Horn Pipe Dancer | Tin, Windup, Strauss Co.,c.1921 | 8 | 403 |
Jazzbo Jim | Box, Unique Art, | 9.75 | 900 |
Jazzbo Jim | Dancer On The Roof, Keywind, Ferdinand Strauss co.,c.1921 | 517 | |
Jeep | Air Force, Pressed Steel, Dark Blue, White, Tonka, Box, | 10 | 250 |
Jeep | Army, Die Cast, Tootsietoy, Box | 66 | |
Jeep | Gumby, Metal, Japan, 1959, | 10 | 195 |
Jeep | Jumpin’, Advances, Good Gloss, Tin,c.1947, | 5.5 | 277 |
Jeep | Jampin’, Crazy Car, Tin, Windup, marx, Box, | 6 | 188 |
Jeep | Police, Pressed Steel, Plastic Top, Balck, White, Tonka, Box, | 10 | 265 |
Jeep | Surrey, Green, Side Spare Tire, Tonka, 1963, | 10 | 495 |
Jeep | Surrey, Pink, Tonka, 1962 | 10 | 125 |
Jeep | Willys, Battery, Headlights, Trailer, Pressed Steel, Marx, 1950s, | 22 | 150 |
Jeep | Willys, Lithograph Wheels, Blue, Marx, Box, | 13 | 325 |
Jeepster | Pressed Steel, Blue, White Plastic Top, Interior, Tonka, | 13 | 275 |
Jenny | Balking Mule, Clown Driver, Windup, Strauss, | 9.5 | |
Jet Launching Station | Navy, Turn Crank, Lever To Launch, Fires Missiles, Tin, | 9.5 | 1469 |
Jigger | Carved, Glass Eyes, Late 19th Century, | 20*20 | 690 |
Jigger | Carved, Hand Painted, Glass Eyes, | 20*20 | 288 |
Jigger | Dixie Danny, Moving Arms & Legs, Wood, Early 20th Century | 575 | |
Joe Penner & Duck Goo Goo | Walker, Hat, Flips Up, Down, Tin, Windup, Marx, 1934, | 8.5 | 978 |
Joe Penner & Ducks | Walker, Tin, Windup, Louis Marx, | 7.62.5 | 1093 |
Jolly Cyclist | Rides Bike, Rings Bell, Tin, Celluloid, Windup, Kuramochi, Box, | 5.5 | 210 |
Juggling Clown | Tin, Cloth, Windup, Composition, Alps, | 11.5 | 413 |
Jumping Jack | Jumps & Beats Drum, Pull String, Tin Lithograph, Germany, | 4.18.75 | 288 |
Kaleidoscope | Ship’s-Wheel Shape, Paper Cylindrical Tube, Brass, Wood Base, | 14*10 | 784 |
Kamerun | Ostrich Walking, Friction, Black Man Seated In Bin, Lehmann, | 6.5 | 720 |
Kangaroo | Mohair, With Joey, Glass Eyes, Black Stitched Nose, Jointed, Steiff, 1960s, | 39*76 | 374 |
Keystone Kop | Roly Poly, Papier-Mache, | 4 | 125 |
Kid Sampson | Heavy Hitter, Tin Lithograph, Windup, B & RT, Patent 1921, | 9 | 796 |
Kiddy Television | Windup, Picture Changes On Screen, Chrome Trim, Tin, | 5.25 | 288 |
King Racer | Yellow, Black, Tin, Windup, Marx, 1925, | 8.5 | 333 |
Kitchen | Wood, Oak Floors, Fireplace Mantel, Stove, Cupboards, Pots, Pans, | 39*20*11 | 1792 |
Knockout Champs | Boxers Move Around Ring, Celluloid, Metal, Windup, Marx, Box, 1930s, | 625 | |
Komical kop | Crazy Car, Drivers Head Spins, Tin, Windup, Marx, 1930, | 7 | 310 |
Lady | Victorian, Walking, Wheels, Tin, Germany,c.1880, | 3.5 | 316 |
Lady With Umbrella & Opera Glasses | Tin, Windup, Arm Lifts To Face, Germany, | 9 | 2588 |
Lester The Jester | windup, Tin, Cloth, Alps, | 9 | 33 |
Li’l Abner Dogpatch Band | Tin Lithograph, windup, Unique Art, c.1945 |…695 | |
Limousine | Chauffeur, Tin, Windup, England Chad Valley, 1960, | 9 | 375 |
Limousine | Flywheel Drive, Red, Repubic, 1930, | 12 | 225 |
Limousine | Lincoln C., Slush Streamline, Red,Rubber Tires, | 4 | 135 |
Limousine | Opening Rear Doors, Tin, Bing, | 6 | 311 |
Limousine | Red, Blue, Electric Head Lamps, Clockwork, Chauffer, Lehmann, | 11 | 3680 |
Lincoln Tunnel | Cars, Traffic Cop, Tin Lithograph, windup, Unique Art, | 24 | 115 |
Lion | Carved Mane, Wood, Jointed Painted Eyes, Rope Tail, Schoenhut, | 7.25 | 115 |
Lion | Circus, Battery Operated, 2-Sided, Carpet, Wand, Box, | 10 | 523 |
Lion | Circus, Magic Action, Tin, Plush, Battery Operated, Rock Valley, Box, | 10 | |
Lion | Wood, Jointed , Glass Eyes, Carved Mane, Open Mouth, Teeth, Rope Tail, Schoenhut, | 8 | 288 |
Lion Tamer | Wood, Jointed , Composition Head, Red Hoop, Fez, Schoenhut, | 8 | 518 |
Loader | Green, Swivel Chute, Doepke, 1947, | 18 | 275 |
Locomotive | Cast Iron, Painted Wood, 19th Century, | 10.25*15 | 1528 |
Locomotive | Hillclimber, Flywheel Drive, Red , Gold, Dayton, 1912, | 16 | 245 |
Locomotive | Windup, Tin Plate, Germany, | 7 | 77 |
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